As Colombia’s furthest left president in my life time, Petro’s interest in Bitcoin was not only surprising, but unorthodox. The problems he was looking to solve with Bitcoin are not what people usually associate with the distributed network, yet I agree, are very powerful posibilities.
Primarily, the public auditability of critical government money flows. Petro wants to use Bitcoin to publicly time stamp payments from the government to the healthcare sector in Colombia, to disuade the many corruption scandals. He also wants to use Bitcoin’s public ledger to track the return of lands titles to people who lost them during the country’s civil war with the narco guerrillas.
He struck closer to familiar Bitcoin territory when him and Samson Mow of Jan3 discussed using Bitcoin mining to curve flare gas emissions as well as to bank the many un-banked co-op communities far from the country’s mayor cities.
Over all, this conversation with Samson Mow was quite a window into the mind of one of Colombia’s most controversial presidents.
Juan Galt
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