Deep Thoughts With Juan Galt
The Juan Galt Show
Nopara73 on Samurai and Chain Analysis Filtering by Wasabi Coordinator

Nopara73 on Samurai and Chain Analysis Filtering by Wasabi Coordinator

Wasabi Wallet recently announced they would be checking coinjoin inputs against chain analysis databases, does that defeat the purpose of coinjoin?

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Here’s a link to the Bitcoin Magazine article I wrote on fungibility.

Today on The Juan Galt Podcast I am joined by no other than Nopara73, the founder of Wasabi Wallet and operator of their default coordinator node. Wasabi recently announced that the…

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Deep Thoughts With Juan Galt
The Juan Galt Show
Conversations with top Bitcoin Nerds about the cutting edge of finance and technology, in a language that even us mere mortals can understand.